Hearts Aflame Collection II: 4-Book Bundle Page 9
Soon, Sean’s tongue was searching within her, sending soft, lingering licks all over her pussy which whipped Erin into a frenzy.
“Oh my God!” she cried out, lost to the intensity of the moment. “I’m going to come!”
Moments after she’d made the declaration, she came as Sean continued to lick and tease her. She shuddered beneath him in satisfaction as his dick grew harder.
When he pulled away from her, his lips slick with her desire, the hungry look in his eyes had intensified. Erin had never been so turned on in all her life. Even though she’d just come, she immediately felt on the point of climax once again.
“Fuck my brains out,” she ordered him. Sean grunted in approval and reached out and spun Erin around so that she was now looking down at the stairs. Using his hands, he pulled her up by the hips so that her back was arched and he ran his hands over her backside, savoring the curves.
Then he pulled himself close and entered her, his dick sliding in effortlessly because she was sodden. Erin let out a gasp as she felt the full extent of him within her. He was so big that he immediately hit upon her g-spot and she let out a euphoric cry.
Sean almost growled with pleasure as he began to fuck her. It was slow initially, but it quickly increased in pace. Erin squealed with delight as he fucked her upon the staircase. As the pace became more fevered, she dug her hands down into the carpet of the staircase, trying to maintain her position.
Sean’s impressive size was matched by his stamina. He pounded hard against Erin for ten solid minutes. Each time she thought he was going to climax, he somehow found a second wind.
Erin came two more times before Sean let his head back and let out a long, satisfied sigh as he filled her with his passion.
They had sex two more times before exhaustion finally set in with the arrival of the dawn. After their initial staircase encounter, Sean carried Erin up to her bedroom, where they made love with her straddling him and then up against the wall. Both times, Erin continued to come. Previously, she hadn’t even known it was possible to orgasm so many times in one night.
When they finally parted, sleep quickly took her. Tired yet satisfied, Erin fell in to a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sound of her alarm clock broke through the wall of rest and pulled her in to the present. As much as Erin tried to resist waking, the shrill alarm forced her to open her eyes and welcome the new day.
Sunlight was streaming in through the window, the blinds having not been drawn the previous night. Erin squinted in the harsh light and rubbed wearily at her eyes. Sitting up, she tried to get her bearings.
Her digital clock told her that it was seven in the morning, meaning she’d barely had an hour’s worth of sleep.
“Urgh,” Erin moaned, her body aching in protest as she tried to get up. The events of the night before came flooding back to her. Sean and the amazing sex. It had almost been too good to be true.
“Sean, we need to get up for work,” Erin said, her mouth opening to release a great big yawn.
When Sean didn’t so much as grunt in response, Erin looked across at the other side of the bed where she expected him to be sleeping, but to her surprise, the bed was empty.
“Sean?” she called out his name, wondering where he had gone. When he didn’t respond she got up and pulled on her dressing gown and walked down the hall to the bathroom, thinking he’d perhaps got up for a shower. But the bathroom was empty, as were the other rooms, upstairs and down. Sean appeared to have gone.
Wandering back into the bedroom, still feeling like she was in a haze, Erin tried to make sense of what was happening. Had the previous night even happened or had it just been a dream?
The carpet burns on her elbows and kneecaps were evidence that their passionate sexual encounter had indeed happened, but then where was he? Surely he had not stolen away from the house as she slept?
Heading downstairs, back down the staircase where hours earlier, she’d had the most intense orgasm of her life, Erin checked the front door. It was unlocked. Sean had left while she was asleep.
Growing angry, she realized that not only had he left, he’d left her alone sleeping in an unlocked house when there was a killer at large, meaning that he had little to no regard for her safety.
Feeling tearful, Erin angrily slammed her front door open and shut, then turned the deadbolt. She took a moment to stand against the wall, trying not to let her emotions overwhelm her. She just couldn’t understand why he would leave without so much as a goodbye. Did he think their night together was a mistake? Surely not. Erin could not have been alone in thinking how amazing the sex had been.
Whatever the reasoning, it didn’t matter. Sean was gone and Erin was alone. Saddened by his departure she went upstairs to shower with slow, heavy footsteps. She kept re-running the events of the previous night. Had she said something wrong, appeared too clingy? They’d barely even spoken. They’d not had chance between the numerous bouts of sex they enjoyed together.
As Erin got in to the shower and allowed the hot water to pass over her, washing away the final remnants of him upon her skin, she feared that inviting him into her house had been a mistake.
Her penchant for bad boys brought her nothing but grief. None of her unions with men who were troubled ever ended happily. It as though she was drawn to their troubled nature like a moth to a flame, powerless to resist and end the cycle.
Erin knew from past painful experience that only the guys with something to hide leave you as you are sleeping. The more eager they are to leave, the darker the secret they are trying to keep.
Do you like this book? Be sure to check other books in this series
Crescent Moon - Volume 2
Full Moon - Volume 3
Phases of Passion (Trilogy Bundle)
Taming Suzanna
Suzanna Wheeler enjoys the attention she receives from the men who work on her father’s ranch. So, when her Daddy tasks his best foreman, the handsome and rugged Colton Stevens, with the chore of keeping an eye on her, she isn’t the least bit happy about it. Willful and defiant, she is determined to keep doing whatever she wants, even when that leads to trouble and danger. Passion and love erupt in this exciting tale of a rancher’s daughter who wants to experience life’s taboos. Is Colton the one to tame her wild heart?
Chapter One
Suzanna Wheeler quietly tiptoed down the stairs in her socks, holding her favorite pair of boots in her hands. She knew their hard soles would make too much noise on the wooden staircase of her family’s ranch house, and she desperately didn’t want to wake her father.
Daddy was a good man who meant well, but he thought a girl’s place was in the home and not out riding horses. At the age of twenty-one, Suzanna had grown well beyond being a girl into a fully-fledged woman, and if the looks she received from Daddy’s ranch hands were any indication, she was quite an attractive one.
Suzanna wasn’t the kind of girl to be coy. She knew full well the effect she had on men when she walked into the field wearing a thin white t-shirt stretched tightly over her ample breasts. She also knew how they liked to watch her ass move when she wore her jeans just a little too tight. With a naughty, crooked grin, she had to admit that she liked the attention. It made her feel alive and sexy to feel their eyes upon her that way.
Of course, their eyes were the only thing anyone ever laid upon her. It was no secret that Daddy didn’t want anyone deflowering his little princess. To make sure no one tried, he saddled his most trusted foreman with the task of keeping an eye on her.
“You don’t pay me to be a babysitter!” she had overheard Colton Stevens shouting at her father, as only he had the guts to do.
“I sure as hell do!” Daddy’s voice sounded as forceful as she’d ever heard it. She had leaned against the barn door, curious to hear who would win this battle of wills. Daddy said to Colton, “You babysit my horses, my cattle, and all the ranch hands who work under you. Well, now I’m
telling you to babysit my most valued possession of all, Suzy!”
“Damn it Sir, I don’t want to disrespect you, but your daughter is a full-grown woman with a mind of her own. I’m not going to be able to stop her from doing whatever she puts her mind to around here.”
“Well, you’d better try. I know she’s got the spirit of a wild Mustang sometimes, but until I find the man who can tame her, I’m counting on you to make sure she stays safe and pure. I don’t care if you have to hogtie her to the back of your horse! I want to know that my little girl will be wearing white on the day I walk her down the aisle, and if she can’t, you’ll be answering to me for it!”
Suzanna heard her father’s voice crack with emotion at the end of his speech and felt a flutter of guilt that her beloved Daddy held such strong feelings for her wedding day. Obviously, the rare display of emotion touched Colton too, for his voice softened when he said, “Yes, Sir. You can count on me to keep an eye on Suzanna for you.”
“Better make it both eyes,” Daddy joked to lighten the moment. “I know what a troublemaker my little angel can be.”
“Amen to that,” Colton said, and Suzanna felt her cheeks flush with rage that the two men were making jokes at her expense. How dare Daddy order his best foreman to act as her babysitter and how could Colton accept the role with such a cavalier attitude. She wasn’t some doll they could keep locked in the house until the day her father found a suitable man to marry her! She was a flesh and blood woman with desires and dreams. She would do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and no one could stop her, starting right now!
In the months that followed, Suzanna had made it her mission to foil Daddy and Colton’s attempts at watching her as often as she could. She’d gotten quite good at sneaking out of the house and away from prying eyes, although Colton had proven to be a worthy adversary. Somehow, he managed to always be one step ahead of her with that smug grin on his handsome face. He absolutely infuriated her.
It wasn’t enough that Colton was smart and able to outwit her at every turn; but the guy was undeniably the most handsome man in the county. Years of working as a ranch hand had given him a toned body and a muscular physique. His skin was tanned to perfection, setting off his deep green eyes and wavy brown hair. Just looking at him made Suzanna feel weak in the knees, which was totally frustrating, given the fact that all he wanted to do in life was protect her virginity. To make matters worse, he had a heart of gold that was utterly impossible to resist. She’d seen him save a dying mare by helping her birth a breach colt and he was deeply devoted and loyal to her father. If she didn’t despise Colton Stevens, Suzanna knew that she would love him.
“Good morning, Miss Wheeler. Off for a pre-dawn stroll today?” Suzanna clutched her boots and stifled a yelp at the sound of the deep male voice. She turned from the stairs to see Colton himself sitting at her family’s kitchen table, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
Outsmarted again! Suzanna tried to look casual and unperturbed as she sat in a chair next to him and began pulling on her boots. She said to him, “I thought I’d get an early start this morning. I heard you say you wanted to check the fence line for gaps and broken posts on the west side of the cattle pasture today.”
Colton grinned charmingly as he poured her a cup of coffee and said, “I did say that, but not to you. I was going to send Randy and Mike out to do that. I believe I told you that your father wanted you to stay in the ranch house today to meet with the suppliers.”
Suzanna took the cup of coffee he handed her and pouted at it. Angrily, she said, “Daddy doesn’t need me to meet with the suppliers. He hasn’t changed his order with them in years! He just wants to keep me locked in the house like Rapunzel in her tower. Come on, Colton, you’ve been following me. You know I’m capable of so much more than what Daddy gives me credit for! Let me do something! Let me be of real help working on the ranch!”
“Well you can ride better than half the men working under me, that’s for damn sure,” Colton said with honest appreciation. “You’re good with the animals and you’re good with your hands, too. I just can’t do it though, Suzanna. Your father would fire me and throw me out on my ass if I let you work in the field. You stay put, and that’s that!”
“Colton, this is a load of bull!” Suzanna yelled at him, and slammed her coffee cup onto the table. “You can’t make me stay here!”
Colton rose from the table with slow movements, deliberately showing her that he was in control and not the least bit riled by her hissy fit. He finished his coffee, rinsed his cup in the sink, put his hat on his head, and strolled casually to the door. Then he looked at her and said in voice as smooth as honey, “Miss Wheeler, if you set one foot in that field today, I will find you and give you a spanking you won’t soon forget, young lady.”
Then he closed the door firmly behind him. Suzanna paced angrily out of the kitchen table and into the dining room, fuming with rage. Determination set it and she came to a halt in front of the large mirror in the dining room. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, but it only enhanced the beauty of her face, with her delicate features, healthy tan skin, and sparkling blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was pulled neatly into a single braid that hung down her back clear to her waist. Her breasts were heaving slightly and she could see the outline of her nipples protruding from her white cotton blouse. It made her realize how aroused she had become fighting with Colton.
“I’ll go where I please! Let him spank me if he wants to!” Suzanna said brazenly to her reflection in the mirror and immediately felt a tingling in her loins. The idea of feeling his hands upon her in such an intimate way excited her in a way she didn’t fully understand. Suzanna grabbed her hat off the coat rack, placed it firmly on her head, and strode purposefully out the front door of the ranch house. She was going to check that west fence for gaps whether he liked it or not! As Suzanna mounted her horse and headed out, she found herself hoping that Colton would indeed find her and give her that spanking he had promised.
Chapter Two
Colton Stevens tried to get Suzanna out of his thoughts as he supervised the ranch hands. He knew his boss’s only daughter was strictly off-limits, but why did she have to be so damn sexy to look at! It took every ounce of will power he had not to take her into his arms and kiss her every time he saw her.
At twenty-eight years old, Colton knew he was nearly a decade older than the lovely filly, but he’d seen the fire in her blue eyes and he knew that she felt the same sparks for him that he felt for her. It was part of the reason he was so hard on her sometimes. Maybe, if he could make her hate him, he could help to ensure that nothing happened between them. There had been more than one occasion over the past months when she leaned really close to him that he’d thought they might kiss. Luckily, they’d been interrupted by her father.
That was the other reason he was so hard on her. Colton had never had much of a relationship with his own father, but Jeremiah Wheeler had taken him in, given him a job bucking hay, and taught him everything he knew about working on the ranch. He’d discovered he had a real knack for it and Mr. Wheeler had always treated him right. He had promoted him quickly up the ranks, and paid him a good wage. Colton didn’t agree with the strict rein Mr. Wheeler wanted to keep on his daughter Suzanna, but he respected and loved the man too much not to follow his wishes. Even if it meant denying himself the one girl he knew he was falling in love with.
Thinking of Suzanna again, Colton figured he’d left her to stew in her own anger long enough and headed back to the ranch house to invite her out to help with the west fence. He wished he could say he was surprised to find she had fled the coop, but once his anger died down enough, he realized he should have known better than to leave her alone for so long. He only had himself to blame that she had run off.
Mounting his horse, he followed the tracks that he knew belonged to her copper-colored mare, Lucky Penny. They led him right to the fence line of the west fence, which didn’t surprise him, but what did surprise him
was that they didn’t end there. Midpoint along the fence, a huge gap could be found where one of the posts had been knocked down. Hoof prints in the soft dirt clearly indicated that one of the Wheeler’s cattle had escaped through the gap. Worse than that, another set of hoof prints clearly indicated that Lucky Penny had gone through that same gap. No doubt Suzanna herself was on that horse, heroically thinking she could find the cow on her own.
“Crap!” Colton swore a string of curse words aloud as he urged his own horse through the gap and out into the Montana wilderness. Suzanna’s tracks were easy to follow and he had no doubt that he’d find her, but there were dangers out here that she didn’t know about. A gang of rustlers was reported to be hiding in the area, which could be very dangerous. If that weren’t bad enough, several ranch hands claimed to have seen a mountain lion prowling the plains just two nights ago. Colton hadn’t wanted to worry Mr. Wheeler or Suzanna, so he had told the men to keep the information to themselves, but now that Suzanna had wandered out of the safety of the fence, he wondered at the wisdom of his decision.
“Too late to change it now. What’s done is done.” Colton rationalized to himself aloud, making his horse’s ears perk up at the sound of his voice. Patting the animal’s neck reassuringly, Colton said “Don’t worry, boy. We’ll find her before anything bad happens to her. We’ve got to!”
Suddenly, a shrill scream echoed through the air, which Colton recognized instantly as being Suzanna’s. He spurred his horse into a gallop, following the sound.
He heard the sound of oncoming hooves and suddenly Lucky Penny appeared from over a hill, running toward them at full speed, but without a rider on her back.